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简介A couple days ago, a man who was Mad Online about women being in。 Star Wars: The Last Jedi。re-cut th ...
A couple days ago, a man who was Mad Online about women being in 。 Star Wars: The Last Jedi。re-cut the film into a 46-minute mess that featured no women at all.。
On Thursday, Dorkly 。decided to do the opposite, editing out all the men who, to be frank, just got in the way of the overachieving women in。 The Last Jedi 。. The result, though legally not viewable, is supposedly coherent and more streamlined than the original cut of the film. It turns out the men in。 The Last Jedi。just mucked things up. 。
SEE ALSO:'Star Wars' stars totally shut down the men who edited the film to remove all the women 。The anonymous 。 Dorkly 。writer said that the De-Meninized Fanedit comes in at 36 minutes long, and explained how some key parts of the movie would change if there were no men causing problems.。
Warning: Some。 Warning: Some 。Star Wars: The Last Jedi。spoilers ahead。
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Via Giphy。
"Without Poe's meddling and eventual mutiny, Holdo and Leia would have a lot more precious time to make plans," the De-Meninizer wrote. "The manless cut acknowledges the additional preptime by putting Holdo and Leia safely on another vessel while a ship on autopilot warps right through The First Order fleet." 。 As for Rey learning from Luke Skywalker about the Force on Ahch-To, it's pretty easy to replace Luke with the nun-like (and frog-like) followers of the Force who live there.。Later in the movie, when the Resistance has its collective back against the wall on the mineral planet Crait, Luke obviously isn't around to project himself onto the planet's surface to distract the First Order. But, as。
points out, there's another Force user nearby who could do the same thing: Leia.。 Via Giphy。"Projecting yourself across a galaxy might suck the life out of you, but doing so a few hundred yards away probably wouldn't kill you — especially if you're a Force user who can survive and fly through the vacuum of space," the write wrote.。 The 。The 。
Dorkly 。
post gets pretty in-depth about the changes that need to happen to make。
The Last Jedi 。
completely devoid of men, but in the end the De-Meninized Fanedit "does substantially cut down on characters whining about not getting their way," even if it's a little rough around the edges.。
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