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简介If the perfect smartphone case signals a bit about who its owner is, then this silicon fried chicken ...
If the perfect smartphone case signals a bit about who its owner is, then this silicon fried chicken wing case says to others, "I carry loose food in my bag." 。
First spotted by Eater, Amazon seller Meerkat's fast-food-topped phone case features a silicon rendering of a crispy piece of fried chicken that looks strikingly similar to the real deal. 。
Credit: meerkat/amazon。
The silicon drum stick comes attached to a clear case, available for both iPhone and Samsung Galaxy smartphones, and is the perfect case for those looking to seem like the kind of person who always has a piece of fried meat on hand.。
Fried chicken isn't Meerkat's only phone case offering-- salmon sushi and shrimp sushi are also on the menu. 。
BONUS: Baking with an old-school Easy-Bake Oven。BONUS: Baking with an old-school Easy-Bake Oven 。Tags:
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