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简介Facebook is rolling out a new feature to help us save on data and locate open Wi-Fi networks, no mat ...
Facebook is rolling out a new feature to help us save on data and locate open Wi-Fi networks, no matter where we are.
It's called Find Wi-Fi, and it shows network-needy users a tailored hotspot map of their immediate area, highlighting locations where they'll be able to find a connection. The feature was tested for iOS in a few countries last year to positive reviews, so Facebook is releasing it to all users around the world on both iPhone and Android.
It's not all wide-open public Wi-Fi — the maps are made up of businesses that have shared with Facebook from their Page — but it'll help you pick out which coffee shop would be best for a pitstop if you're in an unfamiliar place.
SEE ALSO:Facebook just hit 2 billion monthly active human content-sharing servitude machines (or: "users")Finding Wi-Fi using the feature is easy, at least if you're in an area surrounded by hot spots. Just head over to the "More" tab's "Explore" section, where you'll see the "Find Wi-Fi" button.

If you haven't already, you'll need to allow the Facebook app to access your location in order to use the feature. Once the map pops up, you'll be able to search the area for the closest connection point.

Check out the video below for a closer look at how to use the feature on Android:
There is one notable flaw to the feature: You'll need to have some shred of network connection to be able to access a hotspot map. That's fine if you're looking for Wi-Fi to conserve your precious data usage on the go — but if your mobile network is too weak, you might be out of luck.
Facebook reps told us Find Wi-Fi tested well in places with weak networks, however. The trial found the feature "especially useful in areas with poor mobile network connectivity,” as a way to bolster the connection, they said in an emailed statement.
It's just another step in Facebook's quest to make it possible for everyone — especially its now 2 billion strong user base — to get online. After all, if the social network is really going to bring the world closer together, we'll all have to be able to access digital space.
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