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简介How do you go about ending a show that you've been on for over 15 years? What final words do you cho ...
How do you go about ending a show that you've been on for over 15 years? What final words do you choose to go out on?
Well, BBC journalist Andrew Marr — presenter of Sunday's political talk show The Andrew Marr Show— chose to go out Ron Burgundy-style.
"I have been wondering how to close this final show, but I can't do better than quoting my great mentor," Marr says in the clip below, which has since gone viral on Reddit. "You stay classy, San Diego."
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"Stay class, San Diego" is, of course, how Ron Burgundy (the Anchormanlead character played by Will Ferrell) signs off all of his broadcasts.

Marr, known for tough interviews with leading UK politicians, isn't especially reminiscent of Ron Burgundy, but hey — he's clearly a fan of the man's work.
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