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简介If you've been anywhere near Donald Trump's Twitter feed recently, chances are you'll have seen one ...
If you've been anywhere near Donald Trump's Twitter feed recently, chances are you'll have seen one of the platform's many "This claim is disputed" warning labels that have been slapped onto his baseless claims about election fraud.
Look, here's a recent example:
Credit: screenshot / twitterThe label's link leads to a page full of information from major news outlets curated by Twitter about election fraud, explaining that, "Experts and officials said there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. elections." It's an example of the warning labels introduced by Twitter earlier this year, which were then specifically tailored for use in the election, in an attempt to combat misinformation on the platform and to stop politicians from making "premature claims of victory."
But now, it appears they've been hijacked for purposes closer to home.
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Yep, they've become a meme.
Over the past 24 hours, folks on Twitter have sent a deluge of personally-added warning labels to the feed, casually undercutting a variety of dubious claims disputed by various sources. All subvert the idea of truth, and the act of making statements on the platform without evidence.
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Tweet may have been deleted
Tweet may have been deleted
Tweet may have been deleted
Tweet may have been deleted
Tweet may have been deleted
The possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, it appears, the same goes for the president.
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