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简介The year of our Lord 2017, baby. Just slam the Mad-Lib storylines straight into my veins. In a world ...
The year of our Lord 2017, baby. Just slam the Mad-Lib storylines straight into my veins.
In a world where no premise is truly out of bounds, Pitbull and Jeb Bush have reportedly teamed up in pursuit of buying a Major League Baseball team together. To which the only proper response is: Dalé!
Armando Christian Perez -- aka Pitbull -- just joined a group of investors in competition to buy the Miami Marlins, according to a report Tuesday from the Miami Herald.
Another a member of that group: Jeb(!) Bush, former governor of Florida and onetime presidential hopeful. The group reportedly also includes Tagg Romney (yep, Mitt's eldest son), venture capitalist Wayne Rothbaum, and others.
Perez -- er, Pitbull -- confirmed his involvement in a Facebook post.
Pitbull's roots with the team seem to be legit. Before hitting it big, he reportedly worked as a hype man for the Marlins.
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