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【】In a post on the Competitive
简介Vansquad is a 32 year old with a regular day job in South Korea, but during his free time he strikes ...
Vansquad is a 32 year old with a regular day job in South Korea, but during his free time he strikes fear in the hearts of。 Overwatch 。pros. 。
In a post on the Competitive 。 Overwatch 。subreddit today, Redditor Limelatte shared Vansquad's well-earned infamy with the rest of the world, compiling a list of videos of that show off Vansquad's deadly aim with McCree and Widowmaker against South Korea's top。 Overwatch 。Overwatch。
pros. His ability to land headshots with McCree and Widowmaker is unparalleled.。
This video shows Vansquad scaring two pro players in competitive matches:。
Thanks for signing up! 。 SEE ALSO:All 165 of the best 'Overwatch' skins, ranked 。According to。
Overwatch 。 player stats websites, Vansquad is no. 67 on the South Korean leaderboards and within the top 500 players worldwide.。In another video compilation that Limelatte shared, Vansquad proves his skills in 1v1 combat against a handful of the best。
Overwatch 。 players in South Korea.。Limelatte, who is Korean, said in a message that Vansquad is already pretty well-known in the South Korean 。
scene. His skills are so unreal that people originally thought he was cheating. After pros began to catch onto Vansquad, he revealed on other people's streams that he's just a guy with a regular day job.。 That's crazy thing about Vansquad: he got this good in his free time. Limelatte said Vansquad has been approached by pro teams but has declined their offers. He doesn't even stream.。According to Limelatte, Vansquad just wants to live a normal life. A normal life of working during the day and then blowing off steam by decimating the best。
Overwatch 。
Overwatch 。
players in the world.。
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