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简介The Chicago River ran yellow on Thursday. Gross, we don't mean like that.Every year, Special Olympic ...
The Chicago River ran yellow on Thursday. Gross, we don't mean like that.
Every year, Special Olympics Illinois hosts the Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby, a delightful race that begins with over 50,000 rubber ducks being poured from a truck into the river. From there, the stakes are high: participants select a duck to "adopt" in the hopes it'll be first to "sail" (float) across the finish line.
SEE ALSO:Congratulations to this duck that graduated from elementary schoolWe will be honest. It is extremely exciting.
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Please behold the duck river of your dreams -- and the ultimate bathtub.
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Allegedly, this year's winning duck is pictured in the photo below being held by its doting adopter. We're not sure of the duck's name, but it does have that victorious air about it, don't you think?
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And the best part of this whole endeavor? All proceeds go to Special Olympics Illinois. Indeed, last year's Derby raised over $400,000.
[H/T: ABC News]
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