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简介Being so new to the world, this baby pig must not have received the memo that highways aren't animal ...

Being so new to the world, this baby pig must not have received the memo that highways aren't animal friendly.

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A 7-week-old male piglet made a great escape from a moving vehicle on a highway south of Leeds.

He began wandering the open motorway, causing a major traffic jam on Tuesday evening.

Look at the adorable little guy wandering the highway, minding his own business -- completely oblivious to all the trouble he's causing.

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The West Yorkshire Dogs were called to help round up the piglet. After giving the officers the run around, he was finally caught. The little pig was shaken, but unharmed.

We're just glad that he's safe and out of harm's way.

Brings to mind the words of that nursery rhyme:

And this little piggy wentWee, wee, wee, all the way home!

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