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简介The question of how best to sell a photo frame has long plagued store owners.Should they be filled w ...
The question of how best to sell a photo frame has long plagued store owners.
Should they be filled with smiling stock photos? Intriguing black and white snaps from a different time? Perhaps simply left empty?
SEE ALSO:A giant, semi-nude statue of Jeff Goldblum has popped up in LondonWell, wonder no more. A charity shop in the UK has come up with this definitive solution:
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Doesn't Jeff Goldblum just instantly make everything better?
People on Twitter certainly seemed to think so.
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Ultimately, though, the columnist Johnny Haeusler dropped the mic on the whole conversation.
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There can never be enough Goldblum.
Never. Enough.
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Two states took big steps this week to get rid of the tampon tax
娛樂This week was a big one for those advocating against a tampon tax.。 First, on Thursday, California t ...
娛樂黃瓜,別稱勝瓜 ,為夏天當季蔬菜,可炒 、可燒 、可煲湯 ,還能夠打汁食用 。黃瓜全身都是寶,完善黃瓜裏邊的網狀結構化學纖維稱之為絲瓜絡,是一味中藥材,有袪風祛毒 、通脈活血化瘀的功效;黃瓜的種子也可當藥,可以利 ...
娛樂針對奶水不夠的母親而言 ,人力混合喂養是一個極致的挑選 ,但有時小寶寶卻十分不配合 ,十分抵觸嬰兒奶粉,造成嬰兒奶粉早已開封市一個月了都還沒喝了,一些寶媽媽感覺一罐嬰兒奶粉幾百 ,不喝了好可惜,即便早已開封市 ...