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简介The internet is a scary enough place as it is, and now with the added misinformation and panic surro ...
The internet is a scary enough place as it is, and now with the added misinformation and panic surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, it's even scarier. Thanks to the United Nations and dozens of artists, however, the internet just got a little more beautiful.
In late March, the UN put a call out to artists to help combat the spread of COVID-19. They sought creatives to create content around six areas of WHO and UN priority actions: personal hygiene, social distancing, knowing the symptoms, spreading kindness, myth-busting, and doing more/donating. Tens of thousands of artists answered the call in two weeks, and now the COVID-19 Response Creative Content Hub is available for browsing.
While artists of all kinds, including writers and musicians, contributed to the efforts, the UN made a special page on free use photo site Unsplash to display artwork. The page bio, "To educate, uplift, and inspire people all across the world through the global COVID pandemic crisis, this library of artwork was donated by creators in response to the UN’s Open Brief thanks to the generosity of the creative community."
Wash your handsCredit: Wali's StudioSpread positivity not the virusCredit: Alissa Azureenshare kindnessCredit: João Pedro CostaNot only can we peruse the site and enjoy the images, we can share them — for free. So go forth and spread positivity with this artwork; it's what the UN and creators themselves want.
TopicsActivismUnited NationsCOVID-19
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