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简介It's fair to say that the "nudie run," or just simply mooning (showing one's bottom), is an under-ap ...
It's fair to say that the "nudie run," or just simply mooning (showing one's bottom), is an under-appreciated facet of Australian culture.。
Unfortunately for aficionados of this fine art form, the letter of the law in the state of Victoria is now making it crystal clear that it's illegal.。
SEE ALSO:Chris Hemsworth is pumped for his Aussie football team, the Western Bulldogs。The state has issued an amendment to its sexual offence laws, where any behaviour that "involves a person exposing (to any extent) the person's anal or genital region" is an offence, specifically citing "mooning and streaking" as official examples. 。
While mooning and streaking has always been illegal, the amendment means that these activities are classed as the lesser crime of "indecent exposure," not "sexual exposure" as it one would have been -- which is much more serious crime. 。
Thanks for signing up!。 "We don't want a situation where someone who might streak at the cricket is funnelled into the same category as an offender who might jump out in front of a 13-year-old girl and flash," Victorian Attorney-General Martin Pakula told 。3AW。
on Monday. 。
"They're very different types of offences, and the legislation for the first time makes that clear." 。
Mooning or streaking carries a maximum penalty of two months jail for first time offenders, while repeat offenders could be locked up for six months.。
With all that said, there are some magical moments in the country's proud history of showing their bottom, or running naked at sporting events. Here are just a few highlights from the glorious tradition.。
Cricketer Andrew Symonds poleaxing a streaker in 2008 。
Cricketer Andrew Symonds poleaxing a streaker in 2008。
This naked dude who interrupted the State of Origin football game 。
Northern Territorians celebrate by mooning a train 。
This guy who runs across a live television broadcast 。Or this dude who mooned Queen Elizabeth II in Australia。And although it's fiction, but Bart Simpson mooning the Australian prime minister. 。Tags:
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